Evergreen Wreaths, Christmas Trees, Poinsettieas, Gifts, & Produce

Snow. Everyone working in the market is wearing layers, sweaters, mittens (we keep the heat low so the apples don't get too warm. It's cozy!). Suddenly it's Christmas time, with holiday music, hot cider, and the smell of balsam.
Now the wagon inside the market handles the fruits of the season all on it's own, while just a few months ago the porch was overflowing with colorful produce.
On our front porch, holiday greens and holiday wreaths replace cornstalks and straw bales.
Customers prepare for winter by stocking up on 50lb bags of potatoes and bushels of apples.
Inside the market, everything sparkles with lights and ornaments while customers browse for holiday gifts.
Poinsettias in red, white, pink, and swirls of color fill every bench in the greenhouse.
December 24th arrives, the day before Christmas! Owners Tim and Linda Kirby man the store for the last day of the year, selling last minute Christmas trees, gifts, and produce.
It's quiet at the market until the third Tuesday in January, and then February, March and April, as Winter Apple customers come in for the monthly apple pickup.
The snow falls, the fields and orchards sleep, until Spring comes again.