September Color

This is such a beautiful and exciting time of year! Summer and Fall merge, in a glorious display of color.

You can find pumpkins, strawbales, gourds, apples, and apple cider at Kirby's. A great start to the Fall season!

 We love growing a variety of pumpkins and gourds...

This giant gourd variety grows into some very interesting shapes and colors.


Little orange and white pumpkins are adorable, in just as many shapes and sizes.

Our large Mums are exploding with color!

And there are a lot of colors to choose from. Complement your mums with some interesting foliage plants from our perennial area. Perennials are all 25% off!

Produce Update

Tomatoes are at their peak, while peaches are beginning to come to a close. Right now we have Cresthaven peaches, which are a freestone variety that's excellent for baking, eating, freezing, and canning. We also Babygold, a clingstone variety that is our personal favorite for canning. They have excellent flavor, you don't have to peel them, and their firm flesh holds up well in a jar.


Apple Varieties Available now:

Honeycrisp, Autumn Crisp, Gingergold, McIntosh, Paula Red, and Jonamac

Other homegrown produce in season:

Sweet and Hot Peppers, Eggplant, Lettuce, Kale, Beets, Broccoli, Garlic, Cauliflower, Plums, Pluots, and Nectarines.

Locally grown produce in season:

Potatoes, Onions, Carrots, Parsnips, and Shiitake Mushrooms


Perennial Sale Tables!

The plants on our perennial sale tables will change throughout the year, but you're sure to find some bargains! Most plants are in very good condition, and a few just need a little love.

Everything on the last row of perennial benches is 50% off . Right now there are some nice peonies, crested iris, and anemones (just to name just a few of my favorites).



There's also a sale table in the display area where everything is 25% off. A few plants you'll find on this table: baptisia, iris, campanula and  several ground covers.

Nothing stays on the table for too long, so stop in frequently to see what's new!


September Perennial of the Month: Solidago


Cool evenings, damp and dewey mornings, the first sweet -tart bite of an early apple, and all the intense color that Fall brings. Purples, oranges, rusts, reds and gold. Even the air smells golden as leaves slowly change and fall to the ground.

Get out the woolly sweaters, bundle up by the last bonfires of the season, and add a flare of sparkling gold to your garden with this month's feature perennial; goldenrod!


Perennial Manager Jaime Brennan tells us about Solidago (Golden Rod), the perennial of the month here at Kirby’s:

"You might be surprised that I have chosen Golden Rod for my plant this month. I am hoping to shed some light on this beautiful native plant and clear it's name from those who blame it for their fall time allergies. Most know that pollen is a major allergy trigger, and that airborne pollens affect sufferers the most.

Something that most people are not aware of is that the pollen from the Golden Rod plant is very heavy and it falls to the ground. It is not light enough to be caught by the wind to tickle and irritate your nose.

However, there is another plant lurking close by, blooming alongside Golden Rod - Ragweed!  Ragweed does not have attractive flowers, and it's pollen is light enough to be carried by the wind.

As you drive through the countryside, notice the fields full of beautiful golden color. While wild varieties of Goldenrod can spread aggressively, the cultivars we offer at the market are much easier to control - you can have that amazing color in your gardens at home. Don't be afraid to let this bright, graceful and cheery plant add some light into your fall garden."


We have a great selection of fall blooming perennials at the market right now! Several varieties of Rudbekia, Gaillardia, Anemone, perennial Chrysanthemum, and lots more. Mix in a traditional Mum or two for a beautiful Fall display.

All of our Perennials are 25% off for the rest of the 2012 season, so stop by Kirby's for great deals on some really neat plants.



End of the Year Sales

Today marks the beginning of the end of the season for us here at Kirby's! There are only five more days left until we close for the winter at 2pm on Friday, December 24th. It is traditional for us to run sales the last week of the year. As a special Holiday thank you, our Poinsettias are 25 % off. It's time to stock up on homegrown produce for the winter! As of today, our Kirbygrown apples are all 25% off.  While you're here, don't forget the keeping potatoes from Rush's - they'll store very well and last for months.

All gift shop items  and jams are 20% off.  Finish up your Christmas shopping and save a little money at the same time!

We hope you're enjoying the holiday season, see you soon!