Swiss Chard with Onions and Garlic

  • 1 bunch Swiss Chard
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 large or 2 small onions
  • 1 Tblsp Olive Oil
  1. Begin browning onions in olive oil.
  2. Remove chard stems from leaves. Cut the stems into one inch pieces and slice the leaves into bite sized pieces. After the onions have begun to brown, add the swiss chard stems to the pan and saute over medium heat with one clove of minced garlic.
  3. When the stems become crisp-tender, add the greens with a little water. Cover, and continue cooking until the greens and stems are tender, about fifteen minutes stirring occasionally.
  4. Season with salt and pepper, serve & enjoy!

Variation: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes and a ¼ tsp of minced fresh ginger to the pan with the garlic. Stir ¼ cup of plain yogurt into the cooked swiss chard.

There are many ways to enjoy the benefits of swiss chard . Some of our customer's enjoy swiss chard steamed and dressed with vinegar or lemon, sauted with tomatoes and bacon, or added to soups, casseroles, and pasta.