
So, what have you been doing during the long cold WNY winter? Dreaming of Spring and sun?

Imagining the flavor of a fresh strawberry?

Vacations on the farm are short, and for us they always happen in January. February is pretty nice too, but before it's over the books come out and we start to organize for the coming season. One of the first signs of Spring happens somewhere around the last week of February, when Mr. Kirby sits down with seed catalogues and puts together his plan for the year. Broccolini or broccoli rabe? Golden beets or sugar beets? Will there be time to plant spinach and swiss chard? So many questions are answered at the kitchen table as seed orders are placed while snow still covers the ground.

Soon that same table is the meeting ground for brain storms and idea sessions. This year has been particularly exciting for us. Between my sister Jaime Brennan and myself, we've hatched some pretty revolutionary plans. First a facebook page, then a website and blog, soon to be followed by twitter and youtube! I know, I know. It's not exactly cutting edge, but things happen slowly when you work in one of the oldest fields known to humanity. It will probably be a while before we have things running as smoothly as we'd like, but I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to posting a video of my Dad, Tim Kirby (known to some as Farmer Tim) on Youtube. He wasn't too thrilled about the idea at first, but I think he's warming up to it. Maybe if we can get a few questions from our readers, he'll be even more enthusiastic. How about it?

Do you have any ideas for a farm planting it's first seeds online? Anything you'd like to know about farming in WNY, or how your favorite fruit or vegetable is grown? Send us an email or post comments here and we'll be sure to answer as many as possible. We're excited to hear your suggestions and questions!

Happy Spring!

Stacey Kirby