
Fresh onions should be kept in a cool, dry, place with good air circulation. Once they're cured, they can be kept in a mesh bag in a cool, dry, cupboard.


  • Onions are eaten raw, roasted, fried, sauteed, pickled. They're found in a variety of sizes and colors, from thin 'green' onions to large white, yellow, or purple bulbs.
  • Onions are a very common addition to many dishes and feature in soups, and relishes.

Serving Suggestions

  • Sautee minced onions in olive oil until golden brown. Add stemmed green beans or other vegetables and sautee until beans are tender. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Try adding a dash of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice for some zip. 

Cut onions into thin slices and layer with pickles and/or cucumbers in a quart jar. Combine 1 cup vinegar, ½ water, and 1Tbsp of salt. Pour mixture into jar of vegetables and stick in the fridge. Wait 12 hours or so and enjoy! Pickled onions are also delicious made with lime juice.

About Onions


The use of onions in Ancient Egypt is well documented - they've been found in tombs and mentioned in ancient texts. However, wild onions have been eaten world-wide by the most ancient forms of human. Cultivation has led to much larger, sweeter bulbs. Over the centuries, onions have been prescribed for a variety of medicinal uses; to increase fertility, reverse hair loss, or treat headache and snakebite.


  • Onions are a very good source vitamin C, a good source of manganese and molybdenum, as well as vitamin B6, fiber, folate, and potassium.
  • Sulfur compounds in onions are thought to contribute to better cardiovascular health. These compounds are also what irritates our eyes when we cut onions! Chilling onions and cutting the top first and the root end last will help a little.
  • Eating one serving of onion a day may improve bone density.
  • In various studies, onions have shown evidence of reducing the risk of certain cancers when eaten regularly (at least several times a week, if not once a day.)