In Season Now: Mid-September

Homegrown Vegetables: Sweet Pepeprs, Hot Peppers, Kale, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Cabbage

Homegrown Fruit: Apples, Prunes, Peaches (until 9/20), Mini Cantaloupe, Cantaloupe, Tomatoes

Locally Grown Produce: Bartlett Pears, Concord Grapes, Potatoes, Sweet Corn

It's a gorgeous time of yea! A little summer produce is still hanging on, while Fall fruits and vegetables begin to fill our tables. 

Tomatoes are in full swing right now. The field is full of beautiful red plum, regular round, and San Marzano tomatoes. Call to place your order for a bushel or three!

Peppers are also peaking. Bushels of beautiful red peppers come in from the field every day, along with green bell peppers, sweet Italian, sweet Hungarian, jalapeno, and hot cherry bomb peppers. 

Peaches are pretty much finished for the season. We still have babygold (our favorite peach for canning) and some regular freestone peaches, but they'll be finished by the end of the week.

our favorite recipes to make this time of year: 

Broccoli SoupKale and White Bean SoupLentil Soup with Swiss ChardMoroccan Eggplant StewMarinated Eggplant, with VariationsRoasted Red PeppersGarlicky Fridge Pickles, Late Summer SaladChocolate Beet Cake

Meanwhile, we can't hold Fall back any longer! Pumpkins are popping up in the market, our cooler is full of fresh, sweet cider, and new apple varieties come in every day. Today we got our first delivery of McIntosh!

This cool rainy weather let's us take a breather to enjoy a fresh apple, some apple cider (a nice steaming hot cup on a cold day) and maybe a cookie from Gregr'ry's.