Delicious September Produce

What's in season now? Read on!

New: Pumpkins, Cider, Gala Apples, Babygold, Cresthaven, and Gloria Peaches
Also in season: regular, plum, and cherry tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, sweet corn, plums, pluots, zucchini, kale, cucumbers, Zestar, Gingergold and Paula Red apples.

Call in your canning orders now! This is the week!

It would seem that Fall is really here! Today we got in the very first of our delicious apple cider, and yesterday the first truck load of pumpkins came in!. Locally grown concord grapes are starting out very slowly, but we will have them for several weeks. 

Early apple varieties that have been in the market for about a couple of weeks, (including Gingergold, Paula Red, and Zestar)  are now joined by Gala. This is the perfect apple for back to school, since it's small and sweet. 

This week is a week of abundance, with plenty of tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, sweet corn, and peaches. Call to place your orders for canning, this week is your safest bet! Next week the regular tomatoes will be fewer, but we'll have plenty of plum tomatoes for a while. 

We are now picking our last peach varieties as well:

  • Babygold, a clingstone variety, is available in the market in small numbers, but can be picked to fill any order. Our favorite for canning! Their firm texture holds up well when canned, and you don't have to peel them. 
  • Cresthaven is a nice all-around freestone peach that's great for baking, canning, and jam.
  • Our third variety is Gloria, an unusual peach variety that doesn't get soft. But it's excellent for baking, retaining it's shape with a pleasantly tender pie texture. 

We also have a lot of plums, also known as prunes, which are great for canning, eating fresh, drying, baking, and roasting (my favorite).

Happy September!

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